CGS has worked to enhance the vital capacity of resilience and make it available to various clients through planning, training and key partnership connections.
We have designed plans for government agencies, regions and private sector organizations using the following methodology:
Strategic Level: What are the primary risks faced by any organization? What is the likelihood they will occur? And if they do occur, what is an appropriate plan to prepare for and respond to those potential threats whether natural and/or man made?
Operational Level: What should an organization be developing to address the issues of overall system redundancy and resiliency as well as company wide support to response and recovery
Tactical Level: At an individual facility, what are the necessary plans for critical equipment, interdependencies, etc. and response to ensure mitigation of impacts to processes and rapid recovery
We have trained organizations for purposes of awareness, hands-on knowledge and asset sharing
We have designed tabletop and large scale exercises for public and private sector organizations to address issues such as Active Shooters, cyber-intrusions, bioterrorism and natural disasters such as wildfires, floods and tornadoes
These services have improved our client organizations’ resiliency by prudently preparing them to continue on and even thrive after the unthinkable occurs. CGS executives have worked extensively with organizations such as the American Red Cross, The Colorado Emergency Preparedness Partnership, the State of Colorado’s Office of Emergency Management, US Northern Command and FEMA, and they have accepted awards from The Infrastructure Security Partnership and the American Academy of Disaster Medicine for work on emergency planning and preparedness issues.